North Avenue Education
Events Calendar

Filtering by: “Presentation”


Overcoming Test Anxiety

Join North Avenue Founder Scott Clyburn and licensed clinical therapist Kevin Ashworth for a presentation around strategies for navigating – and ultimately overcoming – test anxiety.

Kevin will explore the paradoxical nature of changing your relationship with anxious thoughts, and Scott will unpack how a holistic approach to academic preparation can help.

Central Office
975 SE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97214

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PSAT Scores Unpacked

Like most students, you find your PSAT score report about as confusing as the problems themselves. Come learn what it all means – and what it says about how to prepare for the real SAT (or ACT).

Central Office
975 SE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97214

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No events scheduled at the moment – stay tuned or use the form below to submit a request!


Past Webinar Recordings



Thank you for this opportunity. I will definitely send clients your way. I was really impressed with your approach and learned a lot from you tonight!
— Dave H.

Interested in booking a presentation? Let us know.